UCONN Home Mortgage With Bad Credit

Industry News

When you have bad credit, mortgage refinancing is not an easy task. If you have been unable to get approved because of low scores, talk to one of our bad credit mortgage lenders today and find out the financing options that may be available to you. Even after the crash of the market, we continue to offer subprime home loans and government refinancing with 15, 30 or 40-year non-conforming mortgages for people with good and bad credit. All inquiries still appear on the credit report, but mortgage with bad credit the impact for inquiries has changed significantly.

There are down-payment assistance programs and mortgage loans for low-income people or those with bad credit. Once the amount of the excess income is known, an affordable repayment can be calculated, thus revealing the size of the home loan most likely to be secure.

Most subprime lenders are out of business, but there are still some out there. Knowing your score will help you determine if youre likely to qualify for a mortgage.

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70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012