UCONN Home Anyone From Canada Timeshare With Wastegate The Foreclosure

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In Nov 2011 I completed the ‘Voluntary Deed Back’ that Westgate sent me out and returned this. I can deal with the harrasment I know they will give if we stop paying, I’m just not willing to do it if they can put a lien on our home. We were never shown a form that we cannot cancel, we did not initial or sign it either like it requires. So I stop paying they foreclosed and now anyone from canada timeshare with wastegate the foreclosure its on my credit that’s not right.

I cannot do this to my son and let him live with this burden after my death … Year after year just did not try to think of this and always paid to avoid getting problems with them. Hey Mike, I’d love to join your cause.

As for as the “credit hit” simply contact the attorneys again and/or go to. Did they not want us to see them until we started home.

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