UCONN Home Sue Lender For Breach Of Mortgage

Industry News

I feel bad for those who have hit hard times, but its not the banks responsibility to subsidize their mortgage. Offshore companies and the boom in villas on Phuket. If the value of the house you pledged to them as security for this debt is not sufficient to cover the amount you owed, they have the right to pursue other means of collecting the debt. Another part of the scam back then when everyone was getting equity loans on their sue lender for breach of mortgage homes, causing people to believe their house was worth more than it really was.

Meanwhile my moved my elderly mother in with me because she had become handicapped, and I lost my job, due to a reduction in work force. Now the credit card companies are jacking up their rates for the hell of it.

This recession has hit everyone-----the rich, the middle class, the lower class, and the poor. Nice idea, but Congress forgot to tackle the details.

University of NYC
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New York, NY 10012