UCONN Home Paying Mortgage On The 15th In Chapter 13

Industry News

If you become entitled to property within 180 days (6 months) of the date you filed your case as a result of someone’s death (whether you’ve received the property or not) you must immediately advise your attorney. If some reason (emergency cases ONLY) you know you are not going to be able to make your class and meeting, you need to contact your attorney’s office immediately. If you are making your payments direct, the payments must paid to the Trustee by the 1st day of each month, no later than the 1st Thursday of the month. You can prevent this kind of spiral by carefully paying mortgage on the 15th in chapter 13 and deliberately making your payments on time.

If your current monthly income (your average income over the six months prior to filing) exceeds the median monthly income for a household of your size in your state, your plan must last five years. Your attorney will forward the agreement to the creditor who will in turn file the agreement with the court.

For everything you need to take charge of your debts, see Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. There may be other reasons why your case could be dismissed.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012