UCONN Home Church Financing

Industry News

Thank you again for visiting Church Loans & Investments Trust. A church is different from a traditional business, the way they raise and spend money is different, the impact they make on their community is different, and often times they simply give away their money, something a traditional business does not do. It is very likely that you will find this type of dealer in your area if you live close to or within the city. CDFS will provide expert assistance in obtaining church financing with rates and terms that are most advantageous to the church.

We view this as an iterative, looking-forward-in-faith consultative partnership process where we seek to hear from God with the leaders on how to proceed in God’s way with the project. Having provided over $500 million of church financing, and with a track record of underwriting success, CDFS principals will help the church understand what it can afford, where the resources are to pay for its borrowing, and to stay within the boundary of scripture regarding debt. Our staff is familiar with the unique needs and special concerns of a Church and its members.

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University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012