UCONN Home Cheap Single Wide Trailers For Sale

Industry News

Anything smaller than a large pickup truck probably will not have enough power to safely move a trailer. It is possible, though, for a home owner to also own the land outright, even within a community. If the will is declared valid by the probate court, the heirs should receive their share of the estates assets at completion of the probate process.

They may be a bit stricter, but I dont know. Single-wide trailers can be moved via private vehicle – typically a big pickup truck – but it isn’t recommended due to the strain the weight of the home can put on a vehicle.

Mobile homes must be able to withstand wind ata certain strength. In any given market, there are usually single-wide and double-wide foreclosure mobile homes for sale.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012