UCONN Home Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Law

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The applicable commitment period must be three years if current monthly income is less than the state median for a family of the same size - and five years if the current monthly income is greater than a family of the same size. The parties typically resolve problems with the plan either during or shortly after the creditors meeting. This preliminary release may be subject to further revision before it is released again as a final version. Chapter 7, entitled Liquidation, contemplates an orderly, court-supervised procedure by which a trustee takes over the assets of the debtor's estate, reduces chapter 13 bankruptcy law them to cash, and makes distributions to creditors, subject to the debtor's right to retain certain exempt property and the rights of secured creditors.

There are 90 bankruptcy districts across the country. This goal is accomplished through the bankruptcy discharge, which releases debtors from personal liability from chapter 13 bankruptcy law specific debts and prohibits creditors from ever taking any action against the debtor to collect those debts. The bankruptcy judge may decide any matter connected with a bankruptcy case, such as eligibility to file or whether a debtor should receive a discharge of debts.

Consumer debts are those incurred by an individual primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose. Since being established by Congress in 1970, the Securities Investor Protection Corporation has protected investors who deposit stocks and bonds with brokerage firms by ensuring that every customers property is protected, up to $500,000 per customer.

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