UCONN Home Will Our Present Mortgage Banker Negotiate A New Rate If I Want To Refinance

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If a loan is paid off upon maturity it is a new financing, not a refinancing, and all terms of the prior obligation terminate when the new financing funds pay off the prior debt. Make sure you can actually afford a mortgage payment that incorporates your credit card debt before you secure that debt with your home. Thats a pretty good return on investment. Not only will Jim save $117 on his payment each month, but since he will pay less will our present mortgage banker negotiate a new rate if i want to refinance interest, he will pay down more of his loan balance than he was previously.

I’ve called three different Realtors with no luck. If your initial mortgage was a “jumbo loan,” but you have since paid down the will our present mortgage banker negotiate a new rate if i want to refinance balance to less than $417,000, you may be able to get a “regular” refinance. I just bought a new car and it has yet to show up on my credit report.

We currently have 15-year fixed-rate mortgage (13.3333 years left) @ 4.375% ($2,040 per month including escrow funds for taxes , with balance of $196,000 left on loan. However, the terms may not be as favorable.

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