UCONN Home Real Estate Coach

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By asking your prospect some High Yielding Questions, you are able to quickly uncover their pain and check those items off mentally on your features and benefits list that are important to them. Sending greeting cards, including Holiday Cards is a way to show your appreciation and send well wishes to your clients. Posted in Real Estate Investing, Real estate short sales, Short Sales2 Comments. Our comprehensive real estate training, real estate coaching, and real estate marketing will give you the edge to be profitable today and keep you in business tomorrow.

Learn more at www.ProRealEstateCoach.com or www.realestatebusinessresources.com. Your personally selected TCC real estate coach will become your secret weapon, and will focus only on you to give you the powerful support and clarity you will need to grow and improve as a person and thrive in the unique world of real estate. Our goal is to create Champion Producers that enjoy a balanced life; achieving excellence while enjoying the fruits of their labor as well.

Don’t forget to practice, practice, practice. I am not suggestion you ask for referrals in your Holiday Cards, I am just saying that when you send a card and make someone feel good, they naturally want to reciprocate and do something for you.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012