UCONN Home NO Down Payment Auto Loan

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Also, when an insurance company pays on totalling a car, they use “blue book” – or dealer retail, which you will NEVER get as a private party selling or trading a car. It’s also important to realize that even if a branded car turns out to be reliable, a vehicle whose title has been washed due to previous damage will be worth much less at trade in time when there’s an excellent chance that that damage will be uncovered. I drive a lot as part of my job, and because of mileage reimbursements my 2001 300m with 150k makes me about $1100 gross per month. Now I’m holding out for a decent electric car (not a no down payment auto loan hybrid) and I expect I’ll have to wait a few years.

Have I taken The Simple Dollar to The Next Level. Buyers come to the dealership essentially to get what they want and too often will not be as careful as they ought to be on all the facets buying a car.

Three pre- 1990 Tercels all with 200K+ km’s on them and didn’t burn a drop of oil and started every morning. In particular, HSBC and Capital One will tell you what your rate will be, and send you a ‘blank check’ in the mail that will start your loan at the dealer.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012