UCONN Home Jobs That Pay Cash

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Visit a local resturant as a waiter; they usually allow you to work off of the tips as income. When you find a cash job, make sure you do your best, arrive on time and remain polite at all times. I’m looking for a under the table job to make cash, my son is here at st jude children hospital fighting brain cancer and I need money to keep him here for treatment and afford the bills. What’s sad is when you actually DO need help, and “make jobs that pay cash too much” to get it, when in reality you don’t.

Because eventually when you find yourself a decent job that allows you to survive without assistance from the state – your state will send you a nice little letter in the mail telling you how much you’ve cost them in total during the duration of your need and receiving their assistance and that money must and will be paid back to them. And I tried making something of myself by going to college to get off It and all It’s restriction’s.But i’m jobs that pay cash not capable of earning a college degree due to my disabilitie’s,and i’m in debt over that now as well. But if you baby sit, mow grass with a riding mower, or even walk peoples dogs I don’t think your in any danger of losing your disability.

The government gives u medicaid when u dont have insurance. I have been trying to find a job for almost 7 years now, and nobody seems to want to hire me.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012